
People Interactive | Welcome kit Program is powered by BrandSTIK

First impressions matter, especially when welcoming new members into a community. For People Interactive, the parent company of, this principle holds true as they partnered with BrandSTIK to craft a bespoke welcome kit program. The goal? To not only greet new members warmly but also leave a lasting impression that resonates through social media and beyond.

Crafting the Perfect Welcome Kit

BrandSTIK, renowned for its expertise in creating customized promotional products, designed an elegant, all-white themed welcome kit. This kit included essential items like a Powerbank, Desk Lamp, Diary, Pen, Bottle, and a personalized Welcome Card—all adorned with the company’s logo and a thoughtful message. This meticulous customization ensured that every item reflected the brand’s identity and values, making each kit not just a collection of gifts but a tangible representation of the company’s commitment to quality and care.

End-to-End Solutions

What sets BrandSTIK apart is its comprehensive approach to client needs. From conceptualization to delivery, they offer a seamless experience. This includes in-house printing facilities to maintain quality control, warehousing capabilities for efficient storage, and a robust delivery network that spans across India and globally. Moreover, their online platform allows for easy redemption, making the entire process streamlined and user-friendly.

Impact and Recognition

The success of’s welcome kits extends beyond mere utility. They have garnered significant appreciation on social media platforms, where new members proudly share their unboxing experiences. This organic promotion not only enhances brand visibility but also fosters a sense of community among users—a crucial factor in retaining customer loyalty.

Looking Ahead

As businesses increasingly recognize the importance of personalization and brand engagement, initiatives like’s welcome kit program serve as a beacon of innovation. By leveraging customized products and thoughtful design, companies can create meaningful connections with their audience from the very first interaction.

Connect with BrandSTIK

If you’re inspired to create a memorable welcome experience for your own community or employees, BrandSTIK offers a diverse range of customizable solutions. Whether you’re looking to enhance brand loyalty, celebrate milestones, or simply make a lasting impression, their team is dedicated to helping you achieve your goals.

To explore their welcome kit catalogue and start crafting your personalized experience, reach out to BrandSTIK today:

Discover how you can turn a simple welcome into an unforgettable moment with BrandSTIK’s expertise and commitment to excellence.

In conclusion, the welcome kit program exemplifies how thoughtful design and customization can transform a routine gesture into a powerful tool for brand engagement and customer satisfaction. As you consider your own welcome initiatives, remember the impact of creating experiences that resonate long after the initial interaction.


I am content Specialist with BrandSTIK and write about new product launches and generally everything around merchandise.

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