
Exclusive: Kotak life Offline BrandSTORE by FOXBOX | BrandSTIK

Empowering employees with company-branded merchandise not only boosts morale but also fosters a sense of belonging and pride in the organization. At BrandSTIK, we understand the significance of creating seamless and engaging platforms for your corporate merchandise needs.

Introducing Online Merchandise Stores by BrandSTIK

Imagine a dedicated online platform where your employees can browse, select, and purchase company-branded merchandise at their convenience. We take pride in developing robust online merchandise stores that are tailored to reflect your brand’s identity and values. Just like FOXBOX did for Kotaklife, our team ensures a user-friendly interface that enhances the shopping experience.

Elevate Your Brand Presence

Setting up a physical kiosk in your office, as FOXBOX did for Kotaklife, is a strategic move to attract employees and promote engagement. It allows them to interact firsthand with the merchandise, fostering a stronger connection to the brand. Whether it’s stylish apparel, functional stationery, or tech gadgets, our online stores can showcase a wide array of branded items that resonate with your team.

Seamless Integration and Support

Our experienced team at BrandSTIK is committed to delivering seamless integration and ongoing support for your online merchandise store. From initial setup to ongoing maintenance and customer support, we ensure a hassle-free experience for both administrators and users. Our goal is to make it easy for your employees to access and purchase their favorite branded products anytime, anywhere.

Request a Demo Today

Curious about how an online merchandise store can elevate your employee engagement and brand visibility? Request a demo from our dedicated team today. We’re here to tailor solutions that meet your specific requirements and exceed your expectations.

Let BrandSTIK empower your organization with a custom online merchandise store that enhances employee satisfaction and strengthens your brand identity. Join the ranks of companies like Kotaklife in providing a seamless shopping experience for your team.


I am content Specialist with BrandSTIK and write about new product launches and generally everything around merchandise.

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