Bluetooth Speakers with suction cup.

Bluetooth Speakers with suction cup.

Music related promotional products always have a high likeability quotient among its recipient primarily since it connects with every individual. Currently the trending music promotional product are Bluetooth Speakers.

Bluetooth Speaker - BrandSTIK

At BrandSTIK we pride ourselves in launching unique designs and functionality. So this week have a Suction Based Bluetooth Speaker

So with a suction Bluetooth speaker you can listen wireless to your favourite music anywhere and in any position. This Bluetooth speaker comes with a suction at the base which can enable you to stick this speaker just about anywhere, on the wall or table etc

The minimum order qty is only 100 pcs and is available in striking colours. One can custom imprint the logo as required. It’s a special release from BrandSTIK and the turnaround time is 3-4 weeks.


I am content Specialist with BrandSTIK and write about new product launches and generally everything around merchandise.

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