Promotional Cricket Merchandise 2017 – Stadium Giveaway’s

Promotional Cricket Merchandise 2017 – Stadium Giveaway’s

BrandSTIK on the occasion of IPL 2017 introduces the largest range of promotional cricket merchandise on offer for its clients to maximum brand visibility during this season. If your brand is associated as a sponsor this cricket season, we have got awesome merchandise for you to connect with your fans and make sure you get maximum brand visibility. We have over 20+ interesting merchandise including cheer sticks, hooters etc.

Here’s Listing Stadium Merchandise. To view the entire catalogue – BrandSTIK Cricket Promotional Merchandise 2017.

1) Customized T-Shirts :aa2) Customized Cap


3) Foam Capdownload

4) Cheer Sticksdd

5) Form Handsee

6) Fan Wigff

7) Hooters :gg

8) Cheering Horns10PCS-Barcelona-Plastic-Fans-Horn-Trumpet-Vuvuzela-Party-Cheering-World-Cup-Column-Caxirola-Football-AirHorn-Clown

9) Foldable Paper Binocular20102013210418_T10) Fan Roller :sdsd

11) Cheering Hand Flag :asdsad12) Ball Shape Clapperdfd13) Drawstring Bags :  ffdfdf14) Wrist Sipperdfd

15) Cricket Ball SipperGromo-Plastic-Unique-Collapsible-Cricket-Ball-Water-Bottle-2-Pieces-4aac19c2-d7b4-484b-be26-04c7bec50e0116) Customized Paper Cups :pro_31933679

17) PVC KeychainsPVC Keychains18) Ball Shape NotepadBall Shape Notepad19) PVC Wrist Bandwristband-3-1-480x36020) Classic Office MerchandisePicture2

21) Button Buddies132

22) Fridge Magnet Opener457411708323) Normal Wrist Bandcustomwristbands_new2We can customize Products with company logo. All our Products come with warranty. Minimum order quantity as low as 1000 pcs. For more information or to see samples. send us a mail on or chat with us live on our website.


I am content Specialist with BrandSTIK and write about new product launches and generally everything around merchandise.

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