
Make Onboarding Fun: Discover BrandSTIK’s Range of Fun Games to Enhance Your Welcome Kits!

As we move into 2023, creating a memorable and engaging onboarding experience for new employees is more important than ever. At BrandSTIK, we offer a range of unique and entertaining gifts that are perfect for welcome kits. Our top-selling merchandise, including the wooden tic-tac-toe, custom Rubik’s cube, Magic Cube, Jenga games, jigsaw puzzles, fun stickers, and more, has been a hit with major clients such as Hubilo, YouTube, Uber, Broadridge, SBI Mutual Funds, and many others. These carefully curated items are designed to make a lasting impression and add a touch of fun to any onboarding experience.

Must-Have Items for Your Welcome Kits


Play sustainably with our eco-friendly wooden tic-tac-toe set. Crafted with care for both fun and the environment, this set is a perfect addition to any welcome kit, promoting both playfulness and sustainability.

2. Rubik’s Cube

Add a twist of fun to your workday with our custom Rubik’s Cube. This engaging puzzle is ideal for boosting productivity and creativity, making it a standout item in your welcome kits.

3. Jenga Game

Unleash the fun with every move by including a Jenga game in your kits. It’s an excellent tool for promoting team building and entertainment, encouraging employees to bond over a game.

4. Magic Cube

Unlock the power of creativity and problem-solving skills with the iconic Magic Cube. This unique corporate gift can be personalized and branded, leaving a lasting impression on your new hires.

5. Jigsaw Puzzle

Piece together your brand message with custom jigsaw puzzles. These fun and creative gifts are perfect for promoting team building and brand awareness, making them a fantastic addition to your welcome kits.

6. Superhero Miniatures

Empower your team with superhero miniatures. These fun and inspiring corporate gifts celebrate individual strengths and collective success, adding a motivational touch to your onboarding process.

7. Fun Stickers

Unleash your creativity with custom fun stickers. These playful and versatile gifts can be personalized and branded to make a lasting impression, promoting brand recognition in a fun way.

8. Custom Shot Glasses

Elevate your brand with custom shot glasses. This sleek and sophisticated gift option adds a touch of class to any occasion, making it a memorable part of your welcome kits.

Case Study: Custom Game Sets for Broadridge

One of our standout projects involved developing custom game sets for Broadridge, a leading provider of investor communications, technology-driven solutions, and data and analytics for the financial services industry. Each game was individually custom-packaged, featuring the Broadridge company logo, creating a unique and personalized gift that resonated with their brand values and delighted their recipients.

Make a Lasting Impression

Don’t miss out on the chance to include these popular items in your welcome kits. At BrandSTIK, we understand the importance of thoughtful and engaging corporate gifts. Our range of products is designed to foster a positive onboarding experience, promote team building, and enhance brand recognition.

Connect with us today to explore our extensive collection and discover how our top-selling merchandise can elevate your 2023 welcome kits. Reach out to us at +91 9594070940 or email us at to learn more.

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I am content Specialist with BrandSTIK and write about new product launches and generally everything around merchandise.

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